Sunday, October 8, 2017

“Tips and Tricks Tuesdays”

                                             Image Credit: Reflex Tuning

Every Tuesday, I am going to focus on a different tip or a trick that can help make understanding insurance easier.

This week’s focus will be which vehicles to purchase to help keep your insurance costs low.

My first tip would be before you purchase your vehicle, call your insurance company and get a quote. When purchasing a new vehicle, it can make your insurance premium increase. Depending on the type of vehicle and the safety features of the vehicle it could also make it decrease. Calling ahead to get the price before you buy helps make sure there is not sticker shock when you make the change to your policy.

Second tip I can give is the type of vehicle to purchase. Most people think when they buy a smaller vehicle it will make their insurance premium decrease. This is not the case. When buying a smaller vehicle it can actually make your premium increase. The reason for this is if you are in an accident in a smaller vehicle, you can have more injuries because they are not big enough to withstand the impact and will push either the front in towards your legs and cause leg injuries or if rear-ended the back end can be pushed in and cause neck and back injuries.

If the car buying experience stresses you out, check out the blog Stress Management by Tram Le. She can help give tips to relieve your stress and help you relax. 

If you have an idea that you would like me to discuss, please let me know by either emailing me or replying to my post.

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“Tips and Tricks Tuesdays”                                               Image Credit: Reflex Tuning Ev...