Sunday, September 24, 2017

I am going to focus on answering questions about personal automobile, homeowners, and renters insurance. Insurance is one of those subjects that many people do not know much about or they may not understand why it is important to have and what the best coverage to have is. I will start off by defining coverage's are and what the best coverage to have is and why it is the best coverage for your needs. If you have any questions let me know, and I will be happy to answer them in my posts. First let me start off by tell you about myself.

I have worked for a major Personal Market and Commercial Market Insurance carrier for 15 years. I started off when I was 25 and I have worked my way up from being a customer service representative to being a customer service specialist. I have my Indiana Property and Causality Insurance License.

I decided upon this topic because this is the one subject that I have been studying and working with the longest. I also am very confident in my knowledge in this subject and I know I can teach you something you may not have known about Insurance.

Please email me any questions you would like me to answer. 

Photo credit: United India Insurance Co.

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